Cherry Point Bay Nursing and Rehablitation Center

Call Us (252) 444-4631


Taking the Next Steps Toward Placing Yourself Or a Loved One in Our Care

We invite you to come by and visit. Many of our holiday celebrations and resident activities are open to the public. Take a look and see why living at Cherry Point Bay Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is such an experience to enjoy.

  • Pre-Admission family meetings/tours are available by appointment.
  • Free Evaluation in the hospital or home
  • Flexible admissions – evenings and weekends
  • Assistance with Billing

We are certified for and associated with the following:

  • Medicare/Medicaid, licensed by the State of North Carolina

For more information, please review the following presentation:

What You Should Know About Entering a Nursing Home


 Admission Requirements

Admission from Hospital:

  1. FL2 (with approval number is applicable) and PASARR number
  2. MAR – Medication Administration Record
  3. IV Administration Record (past 14 days)
  4. History and Physical
  5. Chest X-Ray or PPD
  6. Lab Reports if applicable
  7. Therapy Notes if Applicable
  8. Signed Discharge Summary or
  9. Transfer form with orders; signed by Physician.

Admission from Home:

  1. FL2 (with approval number is applicable) and PASARR number
  2. History and Physical
  3. Signed Doctors Orders
  4. Chest X-Ray or PPD
  5. Home Health Notes if applicable
  6. If admission is within two weeks of a hospital discharge and under Medicare Part A, requirements will follow under “Admission from Hospital”

Admission from another Nursing Facility:

  1. FL2 (with approval number is applicable) and PASARR number
  2. History and Physical
  3. Chest X-Ray or PPD
  4. Lab Reports if applicable
  5. Transfer form with orders; signed by Physician
  6. If transferring under Medicare Part A, requirements will follow under “Admission from Hospital”

We are here to help. Most Admissions Coordinators, Social Workers, and Discharge Planners work together to gather all of this information.

Cherry Point Bay Nursing and Rehabilitation Center admits residents without regard to race, creed or religion.